Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where to Find Out About Your Chinese Zodiac Symbols

If you are looking for a fanciful tale, then the Chinese zodiac symbols can definitely satisfy that mythology craving. It is the story of a Jade King asking twelve animals to come to court. These twelve animals were used to form the Chinese zodiac signs.

The twelve animals were the rat, ox, tiger, dragon, rabbit, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and the pig. Instead of the pig, the twelfth sign should have been the cat but that rat was tricky and "forgot" to invite him.

All story telling aside, the Chinese zodiac symbols are represented by the twelve aforementioned animals. Each sign is for one year and you are given the symbol based upon your birth year. The signs rotate according to a twelve year cycle.

2008 is the year of that devious and clever rat. One website that explains more about your sign is "Chinese Astrology". It is full of informative data regarding the Chinese zodiac.

One aspect of it that people do take seriously is the compatible zodiac signs to their own sign. Sometimes, the sign compatibility factor plays a major role in personal relationships, because with such signs, there are different personality characteristics that are said to represent the person's true self.

Whether or not this is true and should be believed is for you to decide. Sometimes the Chinese zodiac sign is accurate and people really base their worldly decisions on whatever the prediction is for that day, month or year.

One important note: if you are a fan of zodiac signs tattoos and want to get your Chinese zodiac sign tattooed on your body, then make sure that the symbol is accurate. Words in a foreign language often do not translate into the same meaning in other languages.

On the website mentioned, there are zodiac pictures that you will find to be quite unique. It would be terribly unfortunate for you to get a tattoo of your zodiac symbol and later realize that it has no relation to it.

Chinese zodiac symbols are rife with history and legend. Everyone interested in a Chinese zodiac sign should know about the Jade King and his tricky rat that outsmarted the cat. The cat would have been one of the twelve signs had it not been for the rat failing to give him his invitation.

That rat was crafty and so the pig got the cat's spot. If you are interested in learning more about the mythology and the mechanics behind the signs and how they cycle through time, then you can always find more information on the internet.

A free gift awaits you at our portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the chinese zodiac symbols. Your comment is much appreciated at our horoscopes blog.

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Feng Shui Tips - Water and Wealth :: Hong shui feng shui

In feng shui tradition, water is considered the lucky element that brings success and wealth because it keeps fish alive and makes trees fruitful. Houses that have a pleasant view of gently flowing water such as a river, lake or sea, are believed to be in an extremely auspicious location. If a house is located near a raging torrent, however, feng shui gurus believe it can bring unnecessary havoc and financial loss to the occupants. On the other hand, if the water is too stagnant or polluted, it tends to bring health problems to those who reside close to it.

Although natural sources of water are supposedly the most auspicious feng shui factor that enhances wealth, it does not mean you cannot benefit from water if your house is situated far away from all the lakes or rivers. A fountain, fish pond, aquarium or swimming pool can bring financial success and good luck to you as well. From a feng shui perspective, these artificial sources of water can be as beneficial as the natural ones if they are properly built and taken care of.

Fountain - A fountain, in feng shui belief, creates an abundance of positive chi or life force that keeps you energetic and motivated, and encourages wealth to flow into your life. It should be located in your front garden and visible from your front door. Ideally, it should stand at least thirty feet away from your front door. Never let it get dried up. Try to remember to turn it on everyday. A dried up fountain symbolizes wealth being drained away and can make you become unmotivated and idle.

Fish Pond and Aquarium - Fish ponds and aquariums can be found in many houses in China and Hong Kong, as they are supposed to bring wealth and career success. The fish, from a feng shui perspective, symbolize progress and great fortune. Imagine the fish swimming upstream and crossing over waterfalls in order to reach the breeding grounds. That's why fish have been a motivational symbol of success in feng shui. You don't need to have a large pond or aquarium, but it should be aesthetically pleasant. You can have any kinds of fish, though the famous choices are gold fish and carp. Ideally, there should be nine fish in your pond or aquarium: eight gold fish and one black fish. The reason for this is that number eight and the color gold symbolize money, while black stands for safety and protection.

Swimming Pool - A swimming pool should not be too large, especially if you have a small house. Feng shui masters believe that too much water can make the five elements of your place become unbalanced. Neither should it be located behind the house. A swimming pool at the back of a house, from a feng shui perspective, can bring danger and great misfortune. Oval and round pools are considered more auspicious than square and rectangular ones, as the round shape is related to coins or in other words, money. A kidney-shaped swimming pool can also be propitious when it embraces the house, but not when it curves the opposite way.

Om Paramapoonya has an insightful knowledge of feng shui, though she does not want to call herself a feng shui master quite yet because there is a lot more to learn. Growing up in an Asian family, feng shui has been an important part of her lifestyle, not just something she is interested in and decided to study. She has also written quite a few feng shui articles on Hubpages.

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